Easy as 1-2-3

Lofts, LLC provides loft bed rental for students residing in residence halls on the Oxford Campus of Ole Miss. There are a limited number of loft kits for the fall installation, so order early!

When you order a loft bed, Lofts, LLC will deliver it to your room and have it set up prior to move-in day.

When you move out of your room in May, simply leave the loft bed and we will remove it.

Bed Selection

Lofts Beds are available in Dark and Light wood finishes. Your bed selection is determined by the hall where you’ll be living.

Light Loft Beds
Brown, Cosby, Deaton, Hefley, Martin, Stewart, Stockard

Dark Loft Beds
Burns Hall, Luckyday, Minor Hall, Pittman Hall, and Residential College South.

The beds provided in RH1, RH2, and RH3 can be lofted without ordering a loft kit. Learn more…

Customize It

When you place your order you can request to have your loft installed at a lower height.


You asked for it; we got it! Ladders are available for both bed finishes.

Safety Rail
and it’s good-looking too!

These items fit both our Light and Dark Loft Beds as well as all bunk beds.